There's been a lot of attention given to that "alien autopsy" film seen recently (and repeatedly) on FOX-TV. One comment made rather frequently has been "professional creature FX artists don't know how this could be faked".
Here at the Truly Dangerous Company we do, among other things, creature effects for film and TV.
So let's have a look at that particular claim, shall we?
And as for another often-heard claim that this "alien corpse", if phony, would have to be the best creature effect ever put on film... well, not only do we think it's a fake - we think it could have been a much better fake.
And we, pardon the expression, are not alone. For example, the FX artist seen on that show wasn't the only "award-winning creature designer" interviewed. A colleague of ours was also asked to review the footage for the show. He pronounced it bogus.
For some reason, his interview wasn't used.
Since the broadcast, we've spoken to many other people who do this sort of work for a living. We have yet to find one who thinks the "alien autopsy" is anything other than a special effect.
Unless and until the alien footage can be confirmed as 1947 vintage, we stand by our opinion the "autopsy film" was made recently, using modern makeup FX techniques.
Want to know how to make your own? You got it. Just don't tell anyone else about this stuff. These are trade secrets!
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The Truly Dangerous Company